Saturday, January 8, 2011

Knowing The Signs And Symptoms Of Hair Loss

Hair loss or baldness has become one of the most common problem of people nowadays. This is because more and more factors contribute to it than before. Hair loss can be categorized into permanent and temporary hair loss, depending on the condition of the person is in.

Experts say that the most common form of hair loss is called pattern baldness or "androgenetic alopecia", a hair loss condition that affect nearly one third of men and women worldwide. Unfortunately, it is permanent, meaning that there is no ways to overcome it.

When someone loses at least one hundred strands of hair a day, it is considered normal. But when he/ she lost more than that such as thinning hair, receding hair and bald patches in some areas of the head, then you may suffer from hair loss.

Studies shown that androgenetic alopecia can affects both men and women but the manifestation is different in some ways. In men, hair thinning begins at the temples as well as in the crown. In the long run, it is expected that they will either completely bald. In women, hair loss is less expected and though there are also receding hairlines along the forehead and temples, they will not completely go bald like men.

The pattern baldness in men is known to start at an early age even before their teenage years. This condition can be characterized by a receding hairline, especially at the temples-and the loss of hair on top of someone's head. Lastly, the people may be fully or partially bald. Symptoms of hereditary pattern baldness in men include thinning or hair loss began in front or forehead, the crown, fell to the side of a person's hair line.

Some women start losing hair at puberty but most of those who have baldness pattern don't. Unlike in men, androgenetic alopecia in women started with thinning in the foreheads down to the crown.

Apart from pattern baldness, another permanent type of hair loss is "Cicatricial alopecia" or scarring alopecia caused by inflammation of the hair follicle. This resulted in injury that inhibited the growth of new hair.

When it comes to temporary hair loss, most commonly called "alopecia areata" where baldness begins from a small patch and round and will grow in size, which is "telogen effluvium" that occurs suddenly and is characterized by thinning without patches.

Traction alopecia is caused by changes in hair styles that came out too much pressure on the scalp and creating a bald, especially among the rows of hair, and " trichotillomania" caused by mental problems in which one can not help himself from pulling out strands of hair from the scalp and in other parts of his body.


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